With the way the world runs at the pace it is in today, it really isn’t a wonder why people simply need to find the time for recreation, giving them that “fix” away from the rigors of everyday living.
Camping stands to be one of these recreation activities which many have come to a liking. Camping is basically a form of recreation where people spend some time outdoors, with various degrees of camping dominating the whole concept of the recreation. A variant to camping, backpacking, which is basically an amalgam between camping and hiking, stands to be another recreation alternative to many, boasting the best between the two forms of recreation it successfully combines.
Here are some of the various recreational camping types, which have become really popular over the years.
Backpacking as an Outdoor Recreational Activity
Backpacking stands to be a very “mobile” version of camping, as it involves hiking and backpacking all rolled into one fun filed activity. Ideally backpacking recreationists have to travel light, bringing with them only the necessary of items, as distances are covered by foot when it comes to backpacking. Hiking across lakes and hiking trails, backpackers then pitch tent at ideal pitching spots, rest for the night, break camp, and “hike along”. Normally, backpackers pitch tent in areas defined suitable for camping, in compliance with environment protection laws.
Generally, Backpacking campsites are free, while equipment don’t exactly cost as much as regular camping equipment. Bottom line, the thing with backpacking is basically, backpackers have to travel light, considering the stresses of having to carry heavy loads while walking.
Canoe Camping as an Outdoor Recreational Activity
Similar to backpacking, Canoe Camping as an outdoor recreational activity is one where the hiking in backpacking is replaced with canoeing. Common in the eastern parts of North America, Canoe Camping is quite the recreational activity, giving “adventurers” the rush of being able to unwind.
It brings campers, or canoe-rs, closer to their element, truly the thing for those in need of their outdoor recreational “fix”.
Bicycle Touring as an Outdoor Recreational Activity
Another “variation” of the popular outdoor recreational activity which is camping, Bicycle Touring actually combines both cycling and camping. Bicycles are basically the items used as the primary means of transportation in Bicycle touring, as well as carrying the necessary camping gear.
It is basically similar to Canoe camping, only with Bicycle touring, bicycles are the thing.
Bottom line, camping stands to be one of the ideal recreational “fixes” suited for the times.
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