Outdoor First Aid Kit
A first aid kit is simply a collection of medical items used to give medical treatment. Medically, the range of items in such kits is vast, depending on the knowledge of the person using it, where it is intended to be used and also the legislation surrounding items that can be included. A first aid kit can be stored in any container but a store bought kit will typically come in a waterproof container, to ensure the equipment stays sanitary and safe to use.
As safety, comfort and health are a priority when planning any outdoor trip, it is wise to pack a kit with you, wherever you intend to go. A store bought kit will provide you with basic items, such as bandages, sterile gloves and antiseptic wipes. However, it also simple to create your own first aid kit, and also has the benefit of being personalised, along with being a knowledge building experience for future endeavours. It is always best to build your kit depending on where you intend to use it; if you are taking it on a hiking trip through a jungle, you may wish to pack more mosquito repellant. Also, pack it for how long you intend to be dependent on it; make sure you have enough supplies to last you as long as possible.
Some items you may wish to pack may include the following-
Ointments- may come in a wipe or a spray, these are useful for preventing any injuries obtained from becoming infected.
Antidiarrheal- diarrhea can change from a common nuisance to a life threatening condition in a outdoor environment, primarily due to the dehydration that diarrhea causes. An antidiarrheal can stop this from occurring quickly and safely, allowing you to carry on as normal and importantly, to keep your hydration levels up.
Antihistamine- out in the woods, we come in to contact with substances (and insects) that we may develop an allergic reaction to. A mosquito bite is not only an itchy annoyance to have to walk around with, but if scratched open, it can become infected. an antihistamine will deal with the allergic reaction and reduce the swelling.
Antiseptic wipes- useful for a basic clean of any cuts or abrasions. Also a useful disinfectant if you don’t have an antibiotic ointment.
Bandages- provides a physical and clean barrier between any open wound and the surrounding environment. Can also be used to wrap around blisters or other friction based injuries and prevent discomfort.
Electrolyte tablets- a must have if you intend to be in a warmer climate, these tablets replace an electrolytes you may lose through sweating or vomiting.
Syringe- if you have a deeper injury than a simple cut, a small plastic syringe filled with saline provides an easy way to flush out any debris before applying any dressings.
Medical gloves- acts as a protective barrier between the person wearing them and the person who is ill or injured.
Medical tape and safety pins- essential for securing bandages and gauzes. A safety pin can also be used with gauzes to create a basic sling.
Medication- this includes any personal medication (pack extra!) and pain medication such as ibuprofen and paracetamol. Useful when the aches and pains of your hike begin to take their toll.
Tweezers- can be used to remove painful splinters. If you are bitten by a tick (more common in some countries than others), these can be used to remove the tick. However, when you return from your trip, see your doctor ASAP, as tick bites can spread diseases, even if the typical ‘tick bite rash’ is not present.