MOST VERSATILE with more available accessories, a detachable Ash Pan and 4 Firesticks (which work as food skewers) means more possible setups / positions (Search YouTube "Firebox Stove Demonstration"). Plus the Firebox can be fueled several different ways (side, top or pre-fuel) including the revolutionary Swedish Torch Method (over an hour cook time with no fire management! Search YouTube "Firebox Stove Swedish Torch Breakfast") MORE EFFICIENT WITH HIGHEST BTU OUTPUT boil 2 cups of water as fast as 2:40 (Search YouTube "Firebox Stove Boil Test") Has a hinged damper that can be opened for additional exhausting capacity, allowing more combustion air in to support higher fuel volumes without smoking or choking. The Cross Feed Fuel Delivery System with an upwards angle for flame velocity and crossed sticks for turbulence is the perfect recipe for efficiency! Larger and more powerful than XL models. MOST DURABLE thicker stainless steel and an engineered expansion management system make the Firebox the strongest stove on the market with the least amount of warp (Search YouTube "Firebox Stove Engineered Warp Control") barrel type hinges are stronger and don't flex or slide like other hinge designs (Search YouTube "Firebox Camping Stove Strength Test!")